Simple Steps You Can Take To Improve Your Well-Being By Living A More Sustainable Lifestyle

We Are All Waiting To See What Positive Effects Sustainability Will Have On Our Planet. But What Steps Can You Take To See The Short Term Effects Sustainability Has On Your Life?

Unsplash/Rafael Albornoz

Sustainability; It is easy to feel overwhelmed by this word and its meaning. The idea of 7 billion people coming together to look after one planet is overwhelming, and we don’t mean to sound gloomy or fictitious. That is not to say it cannot be done; it simply requires a more realistic and different approach. Which can benefit both the environment and your well-being!

Everyone has a role to play when it comes to helping our environment and planet. Some are large while others are small. Your efforts to help create a more sustainable planet no matter how small, are significant. More people are finding that living more sustainably is also significantly helping their well-being as well as the planet. This is a lifestyle that is easily accessible and here at Clooper, we encourage it to everyone! You can start today, with these easy steps that can help you now, and in the future.


Many of us feel stress and anxiety in our everyday life. A lot of the time anxiety can be the result of your external surroundings, such as work and social life. The majority of us have also been cooped inside of our homes for a long period, due to covid restrictions. Therefore, it’s only natural to feel anxious more than ever, once you step foot outside your home. However, outside does not have to be the antithesis to your serenity. There are many ways in which nature can actually help you to reduce stress in your life.

Take advantage of the greenery in your local park, and go on long strolls. You will find that at that moment you become more present and connected to nature and your surroundings. Relieving a lot of stress in your life. It’s better to leave your footprint than a carbon footprint!

SOUKS explores the link between nature and spiritual wellbeing. Telling us that “for some people, being in nature can provide them with a massive sense of relief or comfort that is connected to spirituality in many ways”. SOUK’s also discussed how activities such as going outside, recycling, and veganism benefit our ecosystem. And our spiritual well-being because we are making decisions that positively impact our planet which increases our sense of value within ourselves.


Finance is a common problem that many people face. It can significantly increase your stress levels. Fortunately, there are numerous ways in which sustainability can assist you in reducing some financial issues in your life. Or, at the very least, serve as a backup plan for keeping your finances in order.

Living a sustainable lifestyle does not have to be costly. You can get creative! There are many resources around you that enable you to live more sustainably. Some closer than you think! Recycle. You can save a lot of money by remodelling used items in your house. That wonky chair can be transformed into a pristine plant vase, with a little DIY. You can continue your creative flow, while saving money, by taking up crochet or sewing. Alternatively, you can find the nearest vintage stores in your area. Supporting sustainable fashion and applying it to your lifestyle is very environmentally friendly. It also benefits your well-being because you will find that there is more space for other financial endeavours.

We all should be recycling, but sometimes it is easy to forget. Here’s a list we’ve provided for items around your household that you should always be recycling.

  • Clothes
  • Plastic waste
  • Cardboard boxes 
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Computers


As a tenant or homeowner, using energy at home is crucial for our everyday survival. But there are measures we can always take to ensure that we’re conserving energy at home. Which inevitably aids our environment and reduces the stress which bills can provide. SOUKS discusses how you can save around 10 to 20 percent on your cooling and heating bill through small changes; Such as sealing up air leaks through your apartment or house. 

There are also other ways you can make your home more energy-efficient. To better your well being and the well being of the environment; We’ve devised a list of the easiest ways to save energy at home

  • Use natural light as much as possible
  • (turn your appliances off standby mode)
  • Buy efficient appliances
  • Understand your energy bill
  • Spend less time in the shower 

Many tenants are passionate about the environment and more than ever making a conscious decision to save energy at home as much as possible. If you are a tenant and your lease is coming to an end and you are looking for a more eco-friendly tenancy in the future and to better your well-being then click here to find the right landlord for you.

If you want to find out more about sustainability then click here to view our other posts.