Clooper Joins The UN Global Compact Early Adopter Programme

We are ecstatic to announce our involvement with this exciting opportunity
The United Nations Global Compact aka the UN Global Compact ( UNGC ) aims to establish an enhanced Communication on Progress digital platform in 2023. This platform is to enable participating companies to ‘understand, measure, track and disclose their progress on the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.’
To ensure this platform is operating smoothly and at full capacity, various companies have been invited to join an Early Adopter Programme. Including us! Via this, participants will have early access to the platform in order to try it and feedback on it. This access allows them to identify issues and praise highlights, to improve the CoP platform over time.
This is an incredibly exciting opportunity that we are more than glad to be part of. Additionally, The Ten Principles and Sustainable Development Goals of the Compact align so closely with our own, that it only bolsters our enthusiasm. Unsure of details around the UNGC? To be brief, the UN Global Compact is a ‘non-binding United Nations pact’ established to encourage businesses and firms, all over the world, to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies.
What Are The Ten Principles?
The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact dictate a company’s basic responsibilities to the people and the planet. Additionally, they help pave the way for success. They largely centre around human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption. For example, the principles dictate that discrimination should be eliminated, businesses should ensure they are not complicit in human rights abuses, and they should work against corruption in all its forms. This just naming three of the ten. You can read more about them all here.
What About The Sustainable Development Goals?
As the name may suggest, Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) exist to bring positive transformational change. They exist to both make the workplace safer, more positive, and more successful as a whole. These SDGs have been put in place as part of the UNs effort to improve the planet, and the life of its inhabitants, by 2030. That’s only eight years from now! So there’s no time like the present to get involved.
The SDGs centre around ending poverty, suffering, and hunger. They also encourage healthy lives and well-being for those of all ages, quality education for all, gender equality, and much more. You can get the full scope on them here. Of course, the SDGs also promote ‘sustained, inclusive and sustainable’ economic growth, and both prioritize individual and team success. Sound familiar?
Finally, A Look Back On Clooper’s Values
If you’ve been with us for a time, first of all: thank you! We’re happy to have you with us on our journey. If you’re a newcomer, welcome, and here’s a little insight into our company’s own values.
Clooper believes that everyone should have a place that they can call home. In this home, they deserve to live joyfully, and we make it our goal to help ensure that. At the same time, we value our own team – and we strongly value community spirit, alongside the environment. We believe that our work must improve our environment and society, or there is no point.
We aim to give back to every society we operate in. Additionally, we prioritize providing food and shelter for those without homes via our alignment with charities such as Shelter, The Passage, Homeless Action in Barnet (HAB) and Genesis House of Freedom Foundation. As well as our involvement with the UNGC, we as individuals are very aware of the climate. We understand that accommodation is a huge contributor to carbon emissions and we are actively seeking ways to give back. Also, for ways to help reduce those emissions through the property sector as a whole.
Our client’s joy is our top priority, as is global joy. That’s why we, again, are truly pleased to align with the CoP programme. We are ourselves joyful to be helping perfect a platform that reinforces prosperous behaviour and positive values so close to our own.
Learn more about Clooper’s CSR here.